(PatriotSpotlight.org) – Top Democrat Nancy Pelosi has dodged questions over her support for President Joe Biden amid calls for him to step aside ahead of November’s Presidential election.
The Former House Speaker told reporters that the matter was a decision for Biden himself to make, rather than stressing her strong backing for his leadership. She told a morning news show that it was “up to the president to decide if he is going to run” but that she and her colleagues were urging him to make the decision soon as the election is fast approaching.
Pelosi’s comments come amid growing tensions within the Democratic Party over Biden’s capacity to endure another campaign and possibly another term in office. Despite affirming that the caucus is “overwhelming” behind the President, Pelosi noted that she no longer leads House Democrats and thus refrained from explicitly stating her personal preference.
The news host pressed Pelosi further, noting Biden’s recent affirmations of his intent to run. “He has said he has made the decision. He has said firmly this week he is going to run. Do you want him to run?” the host asked. Pelosi maintained her noncommittal stance, responding, “I want him to do whatever he decides to do. And that’s the way it is. Whatever he decides, we go with.”
In an apparent attempt to shift the focus, Pelosi lauded Biden’s performance at the ongoing NATO conference, describing his orchestration of the event as “magnificent.” She also urged Democrats to withhold their opinions on Biden’s re-election bid until the conclusion of this week’s events. Biden’s campaign has been marred by doubts and criticisms following a lackluster debate performance against former President Donald Trump last month. The internal discord within the Democratic Party is palpable, with many expressing concerns about Biden’s stamina for another rigorous campaign and potential second term.
Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer has publicly declared his steadfast support for Biden, contrasting Pelosi’s more ambiguous stance. Biden himself has shown no signs of stepping back, asserting his determination in a letter to Congress on Monday. However, some Democrats remain skeptical. One Senate Democrat voiced a grim prediction, warning that Biden might face a sweeping defeat. “Donald Trump is on track, I think, to win this election — and maybe win it by a landslide — and take with him the Senate and the House,” he cautioned.
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