(PatriotSpotlight.org) – A shocking new poll ahead of November’s presidential election has found that well over half of government workers would back replacing President Joe Biden on the Democratic Party’s official ballot.
The survey concluded that a whopping 65 percent of federal employees greenlit removing the current president from the position of presumptive nominee, including 34 percent who strongly approve and 31% who somewhat approve of the idea. Under 30 per cent of government workers said they would disagree with the move. Just 6% disapproved somewhat and 22 percent strongly disapproved.
This is even though earlier this year, President Biden announced a walk-back of a Trump-era executive order that scaled-down job security for more than 2 million federal employees.With just over five months to go before American voters head to the polls, it still seems likely that the election will be a rematch of the 2020 race between Biden and then President Donald Trump. Biden, aged 81, is the oldest sitting president in the country’s history, while 77-year-old Trump would be the second oldest should he secure another term in the Oval Office. A long line of mishaps and missteps has led many to question Biden’s mental fitness for the job.
An aggregate of numerous key Presidential l election polls have Trump outstripping Biden by a slim 1.1 percentage points, suggesting the race will be a close one. The thirst for bumping Biden off the list was hardly limited to government workers. The poll found that a huge 59 percent of entrepreneurs and 54 percent of private company employees also backed replacing him with another nominee. Meanwhile, 32 percent of retirees also backed the potential move.
When quizzed over possible replacement candidates for the Democrats, the poll listed Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer, Hillary Clinton, former First Lady Michelle Obama, Vice President Kamala Harris and California Governor Gavin Newsom as contenders. Michelle Obama was by far the most popular, leading the list of alternatives with 19%. She was trailed by Newsom at 11%, Harris at 9%, Clinton at 6%, and Whitmer at 5%. Almost half (40 percent rejected any of these options.
Despite these major poll losses, Biden’s campaign continues to remain tight-lipped on the matter. While the Democratic Party grapples with its strategy ahead of a tough election, its strategy for the upcoming election, the stance of government workers and other major demographics will likely play a pivotal role in shaping the party’s final decision.
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