Chief Of NATO Faces Resignation Demands Over Dangerous Words

( – NATO’s Secretary-General is facing calls to quit after stating that Ukraine should be permitted to strike targets inside Russia using Western-supplied missiles. Jens Stoltenberg’s provocative remarks garnered stark backlash across Europe, especially in Italy.

Stoltenberg’s comments come on the back of Russia making gradual territorial gains in its invasion of Ukraine. Over the weekend, he argued that Ukraine’s inability to use NATO-provided weapons against targets within Russia hampers its defense efforts. “To deny Ukraine the possibility of using these weapons against legitimate military targets on Russian territory makes it very hard for them to defend themselves,” Stoltenberg said.

Traditionally, European nations have supported Ukraine in defending itself within its internationally recognized borders, avoiding any actions that could be seen as direct aggression against Russia. Stoltenberg’s suggestion, however, marks a significant shift in this stance, provoking a wave of criticism.

Italy’s Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini was particularly vocal, stating that the NATO chief should “retract, apologize, or resign.” Salvini emphasized that Italian military aid to Ukraine was intended solely for defensive purposes, not for initiating attacks outside Ukrainian territory. “NATO cannot force us to kill in Russia, nor can anyone force us to send Italian soldiers to fight or die in Ukraine,” Salvini insisted. Italy has recently emerged as a proponent of moderation within Europe regarding the Ukraine conflict. Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, has routinely urged a cautious response to the war. While acknowledging NATO’s importance, Meloni slammed Stoltenberg.

Unsurprisingly Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy came out in support of Stoltenberg’s position. Zelenskyy said he dismissed fears of nuclear escalation, arguing that Russian President Vladimir Putin is too concerned with self-preservation to resort to nuclear weapons. “He may be irrational, but he loves his own life,” Zelenskyy said. He also advocated for NATO to start shooting down Russian missiles over Ukrainian airspace, similar to how American and European forces protected Israel from an Iranian drone attack.

Zelenskyy also called for more comprehensive support from NATO, including permission to use Western-supplied weapons against Russian forces at the borders.
As the debate plows on, the pressure on Stoltenberg to clarify or retract his statements grows, reflecting the deep divisions within NATO on how to handle the increasingly complex situation in Ukraine.

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